Every order checked by us

We are an ISO9001 2008 accredited company.

When you place an order with us here at hivis.co.uk it is checked at each stage of the productions process.


Check 1: Checked and counted when goods are being picked from the shelf.

Check 2: Counted again when goods from shelf are sent to our logo departments

Check 3: Our artwork teams, check your artwork and will ensure the best outcome of the design, and send to you for approval if required.

Check 4: We send over 98% of logos to customers for approval FIRST, so you can be sure you are happy BEFORE we go to production and logo.

Check 5: Our dispatch teams will do a final check to ensure all items are present before they leave us.

Of course, no company is perfect but we feel our checks, helps us give the best most accurate service around more often.

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