Voucher Codes
We have found that there are lots of code/voucher/coupon websites offering discount vouchers for our website hivis.co.uk. We understand these are easy to find by web searching for hivis codes etc etc, and as a result a number of our customers are being misled into entering details to claim a voucher or being directed via these companies to our website with the claim of a discount from products.
We want to make it clear that these websites are in no way affiliated with us and are using our brand without permission. We do not use third party websites or companies to offer discounts or price promotions as we keep our prices as low as possible all the time, and these advertised discount codes are fake will not work.
Fraudulent voucher code websites mislead you into entering personal data by promising discounts that are not valid. The sources behind these fraudulent sites can use your information and combine this with other sources to provide a clear picture of your identity in order to conduct identity theft or other types of fraud. Some can steal your personal details and some can even install spyware or viruses on your device.
You will therefore always find the best price by coming direct to us and any voucher or money off promotion we run will be advertised from our official social media or other channels.
You will only find official promos from us in the following places:
- Our website
- Our email communications ( if you register for these when purchasing)
- Our direct mail shots
- Our social media channels
- Rarely maybe on Groupon or Wowcher .
We strongly advise that if you are a UK customer and you have been a victim of fraud that you report the incident to https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/.
At the time of writing these websites are offering fake codes for hivis.co.uk and we have reported them.
greenpromocode offer FAKE or misleading hivis.co.uk voucher codes
hotdeals.com offered FAKE or misleading hivis.co.uk voucher codes
whatisapromocode offered FAKE or misleading hivis.co.uk voucher codes
voucherarea offered FAKE or misleading hivis.co.uk voucher codes
whatisapromocode offered FAKE or misleading hivis.co.uk voucher codes
vouchercat offered FAKE or misleading hivis.co.uk voucher codes
couponasion. com/uk/hivis.co.uk offered FAKE or misleading hivis.co.uk voucher codes
couponxoo offered FAKE or misleading hivis.co.uk voucher codes
Dealspotr offered fake or misleading codes for hivis.co.uk
Hotdeals offered fake or misleading codes for hivis.co.uk